Cooking Gardening

Fresh Apple Cider

Fresh Cider 2009
Fresh Cider 2009

Fresh cider, apple juice or sweet cider.  Anyway that you name it, it is truly a sign of the fall harvest.  This year my wife bought a cider press from Happy Valley Ranch.  We have our own small apple orchard, so we were planning on pressing apples from the backyard.  However, when you have a nice cider press, you start looking around for other sources of free apples.

Tina has a friend that has a large apple tree in their front yard.  For the most part these apples get tossed to the horses.  When Tina hold her friend that we had a cider press, the next thing that I knew, we had 7 bushels of apples in our garage waiting to be turned into cider.  Two weekends ago we processed enough apples to press about 14 gallons of apple juice.

This weekend we picked a pickup truck load of apples.  We pressed about 30 gallons.  Most went into the freezer, but some was consumed fresh and 6 gallons when to my friend, Andy, for some hard cider.

I remember as a kid that there were a few houses that we would go trick-or-treating to that had fresh cider.  I can now understand the pleasure of sharing a cup of fresh cider.  I don’t think that I an quite ready to try to bring that tradition back for trick-or-treat, but many of my neighbors will look forward to cider season.



Extreme Weather


Extreme Weather
Extreme Weather

Tuesday evening, June 2nd, we had a large thunderstorm roll through the area.  I thought that we were just in for a rain storm.  No!  It was a “pound your garden to pieces” storm with rain and hail.  The total precipitation from the storm was 1.63 inches of moisture.  In some parts of the valley there were home flooded.  We had so much hail that the down spouts from the roof looked like the ice dispenser at the 7-11.  The next day, some of the hail was still underneath the rain spout.

I have not checked the apples to see what kind of damage that they might have received.  They might be small enough that they have escaped, but I doubt it.


Ice Dispenser
Ice Dispenser
Bees Gardening

Top Bar Hive Update

I needed to move the top bar hive (TBH) off of the mound where I captured the swarm.  I should have moved it before the bees were in flight for the day.  I have a few bees that are flying around the old location.  I only moved a few feet, so I hope that everything will settle down by this evening.

I also removed the syrup feeder from my top bar hive.  I found that the bees had drawn some comb on the feeder that did not follow the top bars.  I had to cut that comb out of the hive and put the bars back into place.  This gave me my first harvest from the TBH and first honey for the season.  I would suspect that it is mostly sugar water honey, directly from the feeder, but it still tastes wonderful.

Overall I like how the hive is starting out this year.  If the hive continues to put on weight like it has, soon I will not be able to move it by myself.



Golden Mean Top Bar Hive
Golden Mean Top Bar Hive


TBH Observation Window
TBH Observation Window


Burr comb removed
Burr comb removed